Become Real Good Friends with “Self-Discipline.”

If we want to be great, not good, not decent, not “just ok.”

Not third, not second, but the absolute best at what we do, then we have to become real good friends with Self-Discipline.

Yes, you and Self-Discipline will have to be on a first name basis.You and Self-Discipline will have to be well acquainted.

Once we begin to discipline ourselves and begin to exercise control over that beast within us, well then – greatness is well within our reach.

Rugged Hard Work

Rugged hard work changes our lives for the better.

After we commit to the work, everything in life begins to inch forward.

We begin to notice a shift from dormancy to Activity.

From scarcity to Wealth.

From distraction to Laser-like Focus.

Rugged hard work is the turning point.

Washing Feet

Some of you have never served anybody in your life… You don’t even think that way! You think it’s belittling to be a servant. But I’m telling you that serving is empowering!

When Christ got ready to show us how high He was, He did it by showing us how low He could become. He took on the form of a servant, wrapped a towel around His waist like a waiter, dropped down on His knees, and started washing feet.

How dare you talk about what you’re too good to do!

– This post has been Remixed and Borrowed from the sermon, Principles of Service by T.D. Jakes.

Maurice Guest Jr., is an education administrator from Little Rock, Arkansas. Check him out on Instagram here.


Addition by Subtraction

Spend quality time with your family AND with yourself.

Sometimes we are on edge because we haven’t made time to enjoy a personal habit, read a magazine or book, or just chill – alone.

Just the same, we want to spend more time with our kids, our spouses, our family.

We have to do both!

We have to dedicate time to our families and to ourselves. Even if that means eliminating other obligations. It’s math – Addition by Subtraction.


Maurice Guest Jr., is an education administrator in Little Rock, Arkansas. Check him out on Instagram here.

Are you human?

Every human has what it takes to battle through adversity. However, adversity always brings us to a moment of choice.

A moment when we choose to be a victim or a victor.

A moment when we choose to press forward or to remain still.

A moment when we choose to win or we choose to be defeated.

We ALL have to face adversity – MANY TIMES! Some of us will choose to “fight” and as a result, we become tougher. Some of us will choose to be pitiful, throw a pity party, feel sorry for ourselves, quit, and drown!

Some of us choose to drown. Drown in our own sorrow. Drown in our own tears. Drown in the same adversity that thousands of other humans chose to swim out of.

If you’re going through something, stop feeling sorry for yourself. You are human, and trust me – you can get through this. But only if you choose to!


Maurice Guest Jr., is an education administrator in Little Rock, Arkansas. Check him out on Instagram here.

You are not stuck.

You are not stuck, it’s all in your head.

Change your mindset and change your life. Successful people put themselves in a position to succeed. They are very intentional and leave very little up to “chance” or “luck.” Successful people create their own circumstances.

The unsuccessful blame their shortcomings on their circumstances. This is why they continue to lose.

Listen, WE are in control! And we have to be man/woman enough to admit it. WE are in control! If we don’t like our current circumstances, we have the time and opportunity to change them. No excuses – only adjustments!


Maurice Guest Jr., is an education administrator in Little Rock, Arkansas. For more inspiration, follow him on instagram

What Great Parents Say to Their Teenagers

  1. What do you think?
  2. How can I help you make this better?
  3. I have complete faith in you.
  4. Sorry, that was my fault.
  5. What did we learn from this that we can learn next time?
  6. I value your contribution.
  7. I welcome your input.
  8. You’ve done a great job this week!
  9. How could we do this even better?
  10. Thank you.

Parents, know that our children will make mistakes. It’s not a matter of “if”, it’s a matter of “when.”

It’s vital that we stay involved! When they fail, we have to make sure we are there for them with the appropriate response and consequence. They need us!

If we treat our children with regard and respect, sooner or later (probably later), they will respond with respectful and mature behavior.

God Bless.

Maurice Guest Jr., is an education administrator in Little Rock, Arkansas. For more tips and insight, follow him on instagram